Liberal Lockdown and Beyond
Liberal Lockdown and Beyond
Woking Borough Council Finances - What's The Future?
On Wednesday 7 June 2023, the Section 151 Officer and Interim Director of Finance issued Woking Borough Council with a Section 114 Notice in response to the unprecedented financial challenges facing the authority.
In previous podcasts Lib Dem Councillors Peter Graves and Dale Roberts have discussed the prospects of WBC being issued with a Section 114 notice. Now that such a notice has been formally issued how is it going to affect the residents of Woking? Whilst much will depend upon the findings of the accountants Councillor Roberts identifies some of the ideas being explored which will result in Woking Council being a successful local authority and less of a failing bank. Service redesign, good value for money, resident engagement, openness and transparency of decision making are all part of the mix.