Liberal Lockdown and Beyond

Tory Incompetence - It's Official

Woking Liberal Democrats Season 1 Episode 12

Serious managerial incompetence by senior Tory Councillors is identified in the independent inspector's "Report on Woking Football Club and Associated Development - 15 December 2020". The report clearly identifies many very important issues for all Woking voters.  Woking Borough Council granted a £250 million loan to a property developer and has been found to have inadequate paperwork to support the deal, not having taken appropriate legal advice and kept secret information that should have been in the public domain.  In this podcast we ask how did this happen and who was responsible for such an extraordinary scale of incompetence.  Ann-Marie Barker, Leader of Lib Dem Group on Woking Borough Council and a Goldsworth Park Councillor, suggests answers to these crucial questions.

This is the second episode in our Woking Spotlight series, and definitely not our last. Residents have the right to know about the decisions impacting them for years to come!

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Inspector’s report: Report on Woking Football Club and Associated Development 

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